CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

留学生辅导 - ICS 32 - Project 1 - File System


ICS 32 - Project 1

Project Title: File System Explorer

Due Date: Monday, 2/3/25, 11:59 pm

Checkpoint: Monday, 1/27/25

Project Overview

This assignment requires you to create a File System Explorer tool that operates via a command-line interface. The goal is to build an interactive tool that can inspect folders and display their contents based on user commands.

General Structure

Your program will accept user input in the following formats:

  1. [COMMAND]

You must implement the following 4 commands:

Commands Overview

1. man Command

  • Purpose: Displays text on how to use the specified command.

  • Valid Format:

  • Example:

    • man cat → Displays how to use the cat command.
  • Errors:

    • If no command or an invalid command is provided, print:
      ERROR: Invalid Command.\n
    • If incorrect arguments are provided, print:
      ERROR: Invalid Format.\n

2. ls Command

  • Purpose: Lists the contents of a directory, sorted by files first, followed by directories. The output must be hierarchical.

  • Valid Format:

  • Options:

    • -r: Recursive listing, including subdirectories.
    • -f: Files only (excludes directories).
    • -s [FILENAME]: Matches files with a specific name.
    • -e [EXT]: Filters by file extension.
    • -g [SIZE]: Lists files greater than a specified size (bytes).
    • -l [SIZE]: Lists files smaller than a specified size (bytes).
  • Exceptions:

    • If an invalid path is provided or it's not a directory, print:
      ERROR: Invalid Path.\n
    • For invalid formats or incorrect arguments, print:
      ERROR: Invalid Format.\n

3. cat Command

  • Purpose: Prints the contents of a file.

  • Valid Format:

  • Options:

    • -f: Prints only the first line.
    • -d: Duplicates the file by creating a .dup copy.
  • Exceptions:

    • If the path is invalid or not a file, print:
      ERROR: Invalid Path.\n
    • For invalid format or arguments, print:
      ERROR: Invalid Format.\n

4. q Command

  • Purpose: Quits the File System Explorer.

  • Valid Format:

  • Exceptions:

    • For invalid format or incorrect arguments, print:
      ERROR: Invalid Format.\n

Other Commands

  • Empty string: If the user submits an empty string, simply print the empty string.
  • Invalid command: If any other command is given, print:
    ERROR: Invalid Command.\n

Program Requirements

Main and parse_command Functions

  • Implement the parse_command function to handle the user input and return the appropriate string response (or "quit" for the q command).
  • Do not modify the main function; it will be responsible for printing the response returned by parse_command.

Error Handling

  • Any IOError exceptions should be caught where they are raised.
  • Handle cases where users input an invalid file path, directory, or command.

Incremental Development

  • Track your progress by making frequent submissions to Gradescope.
  • Submit before the checkpoint day of Monday, 10/14/24, 9:00 am, with more than 50% points to avoid mandatory lab attendance.

Style and Exceptions

  • Follow Python coding style (using pycodestyle).
  • Include error handling to prevent crashes from invalid user inputs.
  • Document your code clearly.


  • You may reuse code from the File Systems Lab to help with the implementation.

Submission Instructions

  • File: Submit your code in the project1.py file.
  • Documentation: Provide a description of the high-level design of your program in the comment section at the top of the project1.py file.

Late Submission

  • Penalty: Late submissions are allowed within 3 days of the deadline, with a penalty of 8% per day.

This project will help you develop foundational skills for working with file systems and handling user inputs via the command line, which is a vital skill in programming and system administration.


Email: [email protected]


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