CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

留学生Python辅导 - Course Code - Assignment


留学生Python辅导 - Course Code - Assignment

Assignment Overview

You have been provided with two files containing data about critical injuries in Ontario workplaces. These datasets are collected for different purposes but are highly related and contain similar or identical events. Note that these datasets are manufactured and not real, but they are structured based on terminology used in real studies.

Your task is to review the data and create a presentation for senior management that includes:

  1. Summary of Data

    • Provide an overview of each dataset or the integrated dataset.
    • Include observations and key insights.
  2. Data Analysis

    • Identify patterns, trends, and correlations.
    • Present findings that support decision-making.
  3. Recommendations

    • Suggest improvements for the study.
    • Highlight additional information that could enhance understanding of workplace safety in different sectors.
  4. Data Integration & Analysis

    • Extract data from multiple sources.
    • Integrate, analyze, and interpret the data.
    • Generate reports for decision-makers.
  5. Visualization

    • Create tables, charts, and graphs to summarize data insights.
  6. Dashboards & Reporting

    • Develop interactive dashboards that allow users to filter and customize reports.


This assignment evaluates your data manipulation, research, analytical skills, and visualization abilities.
Candidates with higher scores may be invited for an interview to advance in this competition.

Optional Task

You may enhance your analysis by incorporating additional publicly accessible data such as:

  • Ontario Data Catalogue
  • Statistics Canada
  • Other open data sources from different jurisdictions.

This will support and strengthen your results.


  1. Presentation/Report

    • Must include text and notes to ensure readability without a presenter.
    • Standalone images and graphs may be included.
    • The report should summarize:
      • Key analysis
      • Interpretations
      • Considerations
      • Recommendations
    • The presentation should be structured for senior management (Maximum 10 slides in PowerPoint format or a final PDF file).
  2. Methodology & Technical Details

    • Describe the tools and methods used for data analysis (maximum one page).
  3. Code & Scripts

    • Submit codes, scripts, or tools used to support your work.
    • Programming language, platform, or tool is your choice.


Email: [email protected]

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