CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

【留学生代写】ECON3038 - Dissertation: Research Topics


ECON3038 - Dissertation: Research Topics

Topic 3: Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy

Instructions for the Report

This assignment requires you to write a short quantitative report on Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy.

The data to be analyzed will be simulated using a Quantitative Model, so there is no need for ERGO approval for data usage.

What You Should Do:

  1. Choose a research question from the potential questions that will be specified.
  2. Choose a baseline quantitative model using the provided Matlab framework.
  3. Calibrate the model and solve it to generate the simulated data.
  4. Conduct an Impulse Response Function (IRF) analysis based on your chosen research question.
  5. Interpret the quantitative findings from the IRF analysis.
  6. Write the report (maximum 2000 words) and submit it with the MATLAB and Dynare codes used to replicate your findings.

This report is worth 50% of your final grade.

Report Structure

The report should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction

    • State the research question.
    • Provide the motivation behind the question.
    • Summarize the model framework and results.
    • Mention the contribution to existing literature (if applicable).
  2. Economic Analysis

    • Describe the model setup and calibration procedure.
    • Justify how the parameter values are determined.
  3. Results

    • Present the findings of the impulse response functions to exogenous shocks.
    • Provide a description of how you conducted the analysis and what you found.
    • Interpret the economic implications of your results.
  4. Conclusion

    • Summarize the key findings and the main message of the report.
    • Mention any caveats regarding your conclusion and suggest future research directions.
  5. References

    • Include a list of papers cited in the report.
  6. Appendix

    • Include tables and figures that are relevant but not essential for the main text.

Word Limit

  • The report has a 2000-word limit. The University’s standard 10% extra allowance does not apply for this assignment.

Penalties and Submission Rules

  • Late submissions will be penalized according to the University’s standard penalty policy.
  • The assignment is an independent piece of work. Any breach in academic integrity will be investigated and penalized according to the University's regulations.
  • Resubmissions are allowed before the deadline, but only the last submission will be marked. Any submissions after the deadline will be penalized.

Additional Notes

Ensure that your report is clear, concise, and well-organized. The MATLAB and Dynare codes should be used effectively to replicate the results and demonstrate the findings from your model.


Email: [email protected]

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