CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

GEOM 1040 - Assignment 5


GEOM 1040 - Assignment 5

Assignment: Spatial Data and Asset / Facilities Management

Steps in Detail

Step 1: Topic Pre-Selection/Declaration

  • Select a topic from the provided list on Moodle.
  • Declare the topic title, description, and three nested spatial assets with table names, geometry types, and dimensions.
  • Ensure spatial assets nest correctly:
    • Top Level: 3D volume.
    • Middle Level: 3D volume or 2D area (must nest within the top level using st_contains).
    • Bottom Level: 2D/3D point, line, or area (must nest within the middle level using st_contains).
  • Avoid topics or designs too similar to class examples to ensure originality.

Step 2: Decisions

  • List 7 decisions supported by your database. Include:
    • Context: Purpose of the decision and how the information will be used.
    • Threshold: Numeric value for comparison, determining outcomes.
  • Include two decisions dependent on data from lower levels in the hierarchy.
  • Use views for hierarchical queries:
    • Bottom level view feeds into the middle level.
    • Middle level view feeds into the top level.

Step 3: Pyramid

  • Create a 3-level pyramid diagram with:
    • Asset/feature names corresponding to database tables.
    • Clear hierarchy showing nested relationships.
  • Ensure names match the declared topic and spatial characteristics.

Step 4: Database Creation

  • Write SQL scripts for the following:
    • Table Creation: Use proper naming conventions and geometry columns.
    • Constraints: Define primary/foreign keys and unique constraints.
    • Data Insertion:
      • At least 2 rows for the top level.
      • At least 3 rows for the middle level.
      • At least 9 rows for the bottom level.
      • All other tables require at least 3 rows.
    • Views: Create one for each level of the pyramid and an additional latest_parameters view.
    • Decision Queries: Write SQL to support the decisions listed in Step 2.
  • Test all scripts via the Moodle test system for functionality.

Step 5: Map and 3D Visualization

  • Create and upload a PDF containing:
    • A QGIS screenshot showing the spatial data layers and 2D map.
    • A 3D visualization screenshot created in FME.

Marking Process

  • Scripts will be tested on an automated system to verify functionality.
  • Pyramid hierarchy and table nesting will be validated.
  • Queries will be checked for correctness, formatting, and adherence to decision requirements.
  • Advanced queries must demonstrate hierarchical aggregation.

Marking Criteria

Topic Declaration4Alignment with final output required.
Decision List7Proper phrasing, binary context, relevance.
Pyramid Design6Complete diagram with hierarchy and decisions.
CREATE TABLE Script3Correct schema, must execute without errors.
CONSTRAINTS Script3Constraints for primary/foreign keys and uniqueness are mandatory.
INSERT DATA Script5Adequate rows for pyramid levels and additional tables.
Decision Queries16Correct SQL with single-row formatted results.
Advanced Queries (with views)12Include view-based aggregation queries.
Parameter-Based Decision Queries14Use parameters dynamically for decision-making.

Examples of Decisions

  1. Security Staff Allocation:

    • Purpose: Determine whether to allocate more budget for additional staff.
    • Threshold: 23 staff. Below 23: Allocate more budget. 23 or above: No action needed.
  2. Shop Splitting for Storage:

    • Purpose: Decide whether to split the largest shop for storage or find alternatives.
    • Threshold: 100 sq m. Below 100 sq m: No split. 100 or above: Split.
  3. Oven Maintenance:

    • Purpose: Compare maintenance times of current ovens with new ones to decide on purchase.
    • Threshold: 20 minutes. Below 20 minutes: Choose Samsung. 20 or above: Choose Zanussi.
  4. Building Refurbishment:

    • Purpose: Assess whether the largest building's refurbishment cost fits within the budget.
    • Threshold: £200,205. Below £200,205: Proceed this year. £200,205 or above: Postpone to next year.


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