CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

CS代写 | 留学生计算机辅导 | Assignment代做 | Code代做 | 论文辅导

留学生作业案例 - 数据分析


Restrictions on Library Usage

Your code should fully implement the algorithm using only the core Python language and its standard libraries, such as:


You may use additional libraries only to load or represent your data, but avoid leveraging other functionalities in these libraries. Examples of permitted libraries and their allowed use cases include:

  • pandas: Only for loading, representing, and accessing typical tabular datasets.
  • numpy: Only for representing vectors and matrices.
    ⚠️ Do not use functions for matrix operations, linear algebra, or similar advanced features of numpy.

Libraries to Avoid

Do not use libraries that provide pre-built implementations of algorithms relevant to this coursework. These include:

  • scikit-learn
  • scipy
  • numpy.linalg

The aim is to ensure you implement the core logic of the algorithms yourself without relying on external libraries that handle it for you.


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